Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I just read my last post. It's been a little over 6 months since I last wrote an entry and a lot has happened.

I must admit that for about 3 or 4 months after I was retrenched, I was in limbo. I didn't feel angry, but for a time there-my morale was low. I didn't want to go back to the corporate world and so I've thought about putting up a food business. I even bought a book entitled: Business Plans for Dummies. My mother planned to sell the house and use the money for capital. But ofcourse, my mother changed her mind and decided not to sell.

And so I felt stuck. The compensation money from my previous job was dimishing. And frankly, I'm not yet ready to become a starving writer. But fortunately, while I was in Hong Kong with my boyfriend last March, my former boss got in touch with me about a job. A few weeks later, I was back in the corporate world again. I just ate my words. I can't complain though because I'm very fortunate. Things happen for a reason. That's such a cliche, but it's still true. My previous jobs have always led to something. I wonder what this one will lead to. Oh well, let's just wait and see...