Monday, July 31, 2006

I hear a faint sound.
It's almost a whisper.
"I'm here."

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Can’t think.
Can’t see through this haze.
Where are you?

I’m alone.
I can’t see.
Can you hear me?

It’s cold.
The smoke’s too thick.
Are you still there?

Monday, July 10, 2006

Just when you think everything’s fine, a bomb suddenly lands on your head and explodes.
You’re stunned and you can’t think because the remains of your brain are scattered all over the place.

Just when you’ve started to share yourself and think you’re transforming into a butterfly, but instead your skin starts to peel and rot.
You try to keep the skin from falling off, but you can’t because there’s no stopping the decay.

What could be worse than feeling lonely when you’re actually in a relationship?
It’s like wearing a thick coat, but you still feel naked and the cold still hurts your bones.

Sometimes you wonder if a whip is better than a feather.
Should you have been harsh rather than kind?