Friday, February 22, 2008

One morning in January, whileI was taking a shower, I suddenly felt this excruciating pain in my belly. I started throwing up and feeling dizzy and my mother took me to the emergency room.
In a few hours my blood pressure dropped and my face turned white. My under eyes turned black and my eyes started rolling back.

The doctors did some tests and they found a mass in my belly. They told me that they had to operate and in less than an hour I was in the operating room. The nurses had to hold me down as my body convulsed in pain. I would choke on my scream. Then anethesiologist came and introduced himself and then everything went black.

I woke up in the recovery room with both my arms dextrosed. I told the nurse that I couldn't move my toes.

The pain slowly returned as the pain killers and anesthesia started to wear off. I asked for more pain killers and inadvertently, I tripped out on them.

They say it is through death that we discover life. I agree.


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