Tuesday, March 29, 2005

It's been more than a month since my last entry. I somehow lost interest in writing-well, in public anyway. I have to admit that I've been quite down and I had a lot on my mind during that time. I don't like to write about negative things and all too confusing thoughts without having them figured out anyway.

I haven't told a lot of people that I'm back. And the friends and acqaintances that have seen me ask if I'm back for good. I don't give a straight answer because I really don't know what the future for me holds.

It's just great to be back! I missed my friends so much and I don't know how long I could've lasted without going nuts there. For now, I'm taking a long break from work and hopefully by next month I will be able to figure out what I really want to do for a living!

My time now is for deep contemplation and relaxation. Gotta admit that I've been burnt out. But I've learned a lot-figured out some things that even my father took more than 40 years to realize. It's really simple but surprisingly, not a lot of people understand this-happiness isn't really earning a lot of money or living the "American Dream", it's about enjoying what you do, helping people from time to time, and being confident with who you are without having to subject your own life with the standards of other people.

There are still many more lessons to learn. These lessons are easy to define but it takes more than a lifetime to understand...